Apollo 11 is the name of the first mission that travelled to the moon. It landed off from the U.S.A. This space ship went to the moon in July the 16th, 1969.
The space ship travellers were Neil Amstrong (38 years-old), Edwin E. Aldrin (39 years-old) and Michael Collins (39 years-old). Michael Collins was the pilot.
The first person that stepped on the moon in July the 21st, 1969
was Neil Amstrong and he said his famous quote:
"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
Todavía recuerdo cuando era muy pequeñito (fijaros lo mayor que soy) de cuando llegaron por primera vez a la luna. Ahora nos parece normal pero entonces esa casi ciencia-ficción. Nos sonaba a las novelas de Julio Verne ¿lo conocéis?. Es un escritor fantástico, os lo recomindo.